Friday, July 21, 2006

Hot for Teacher

On "You Tube" you too can watch teacher and former Ms. Monday Nitro of World Championship Wrestling dance in her skivvies. She also happens to be a sex offender. Yes, I'm talking about Pamela Rogers, the 29-year-old teacher who had sex with a student. According to, she had sex with a 13-year-old student when she was 28 after cultivating a relationship. They did the deed not just once, mind you, not just a few times either. Rogers was convicted of "15 counts of sexual battery by an authority figure and 13 counts of statutory rape."

Don't confuse Pamela Rogers with Mary Kay LeTourneau, a similarly blonde-coiffed teacher who fell for a student, or Debra LaFave, the blonde-coiffed teacher get the idea. A lot of people, mostly men, seem to think this is somehow ok.

Let's say the age of consent dropped to 13. This is a disaster scenario. Here are 10 unintended consequences:

1) Talk about kids raising kids. Imagine a 27-year-old granparent.
2) Mickey Mouse Club including the feature "12 hottest under 12"
3) Playstation as a wedding gift.
4) Unfair dating competition. I have a hard enough time competing with people my age.
5) Teachers flunking students because of a recent breakup.
6) Sex ed in third grade.
7) Toys R Us ads in Penthouse.
8) Awkward social situations: "Sara, you have such a handsome son! Oh--I mean...husband?"
9) Proms cancelled--all the chaperones are attending with dates.
10) If a man's wife is 13, it will be very difficult to trade her in for a "younger woman".

Here are some actual posts reacting to the news.

"i would love to be that kid"

"I would so would have tried to be that kid when I was his age. I never had a teacher that hot though."

"Well. I would think any kid at his age would have done what he done with her. She is tottaly hot. A teacher. Which makes it better. Stunningly great looking teacher. Wether it be 14-16-18 you know damn well if you don't like something you tell some one. Obviously he liked it. how was it found out that she had relations with this young boy?"

These three posts capture the gist of the argument, such as it is. I get the humor, but kidding aside, the "kid" is just that, a kid. He wasn't 14, 16, or 18--he was THIRTEEN. Even 16 is pushing it, but the kid was attending Centertown ELEMENTARY SCHOOL in McMinnville, Tennessee. Why should I have to explain this?

"How can we send support messages to her. If all women were as kind and sweet, perhaps there's be less crime."

Yeah, right. First of all, I'm sure you want to send "support messages" to her. You're probably more interested in sending pictures of yourself sitting naked in front of your computer.

"This poor woman needs help, not incarceration. A beautiful lady of such accomplishments surely cannot be all bad.

Hopefully, she will be given help and rehabilitation, instead of prison, so that she may again be a productive member of society. God bless, Pamela!"

This is an old argument of help & rehab versus jail time. While I agree that counseling and psychiatric care is in order, she was given the chance to seek care after the first sentencing. She was serving a suspended sentence when she was caught communicating with him through the boy's 17-year-old sister. (Don't get me started.) According to reports, after she was caught violating the court order she started crying in front of the judge, claiming she would do anything to rehabilitate herself. Too little too late.

Here's an interesting argument:

"I think it has something to do with gender roles and perception. Because a man is naturally considered on the dominant side of the scale, this sort of activity is viewed as aggressively taking advantage.

Because we are so used to viewing women as a receptive force, when a woman is aggressive towards a man, it's exciting on two levels. 1) because an aggressive woman does feed a male fantasy and 2) all men secretly wish to relinquish the dominant role every now and then when dealing with the opposite sex."

Main problem with this argument. HE IS NOT A MAN, HE IS A BOY. A boy doesn't have secret fantasies about relinquishing his dominant role to a teacher. Sure, he might have fantasies, but at that age EVERYTHING is exciting. The wind changes direction and a boy gets excited. It's like a new toy, so to speak.

Celine Dion was 12 when she met her future husband Rene Angelil. He was 38. They WAITED.

Fun fact: Celine is three months younger than her step-son, Patrick.

Source material:

ABC News story

Blog entries

Dickson Herald article

Celine Dion info

Tennessean article

Debra Lafave info

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